Four Reasons You Should Be Using Signs for Your Retail Business

Sidewalk signs can be one of the most effective ways to increase sales if you have a brick-and-mortar business. Think of your own shopping experiences — what grabs your attention and makes you slow down, take a second look, and maybe even enter the store to shop? I know I’m often drawn to interesting and eye-catching signs. Signs can be a powerful tool for retail businesses.

FedEx Office just released a survey that measures the attraction power of signage and its impact, and the results are very telling. Look at some of these numbers and the undeniable reasons why good signs are worth the effort.

  1. Increased Sales: Almost seven in ten (68 %) of American consumers have actually purchased a product or service because a sign caught their eye.
  2. Foot Traffic: Almost eight in 10 (76%) consumers have entered a store simply because its sign caught their interest.
  3. Word-of-Mouth: Three out of four consumers (75%) said they have told someone about a store based simply on its signage.
  4. Perceived Quality: More than two thirds (68%) of consumers believe a store’s signage is a reflection of the quality of its products or services. (And if you think a bad sign is better than no sign, think again. More than half (52%) of consumers said they are less willing to enter a store with misspelled or poorly-made signs.)
You can read more about the FedEx Office survey here. And check out this infographic that tells you what you need to know before you stick a sign in your window.
Sale tags image credit: djayo
Infographic credit: FedEx Office
Picture of Chaz Michaels

Chaz Michaels


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