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Welcome to The Bonfire Field Guide!

Congratulations on Joining the Best Damn Small Business Newsletter on the Planet!

Now That You're In: Here's What's in Store

Step-By-Step Guides

Each issue of the BFG is carefully curated as a step-by-step guide that’s easy to follow and implement. No complex quantum mechanics here. 

Leads, Leads, Leads

Most entreprenuers struggle with getting and closing leads; most issues address marketing & sales. Let’s get you more cash! 

Free Resources

AJ is giving away the farm. When applicable you’ll be getting a FREE resource that you can copy and use in your business. 


Meet AJ - The BFG Author

Why should you care about what AJ has to say? 

  1. AJ is a serial entrepreneur who’s built, scaled, and automated several businesses. 
  2. AJ started The Guerrilla Agency in his one-bedroom apartment to a multi-seven-figure exit in just over four years. 
  3. AJ is a pretty rad dude! Most of the emails you get will be down to earth; no BS guides on entrepreneurship. 
  4. AJ loves connecting with the bonfire community. Feel free to connect with him on Linkedin and strike up a conversation!