5 Essential Qualities Found in Sustainable Brands

It takes an effort to start a new business and not only does it require time but resources and capital as well. If you want to start a business out of a good idea or your will, then you should know what considerations to take relevant to the industry and time. There are strategies you need to employ to make things work out.

Essential to starting a business is building a brand — curating a visual image and representation of it such that of a logo and other designs. Following that, you will have to be able to create your brand. The brand is something that will require upkeep. You will have to able to sustain it and the promises it offers.

You also have to make your brand and business known to the world, too, by increasing its visibility and promotion through advertising and strategic marketing. Here are five essential qualities your brand must have if you want it to stand the test of time.

1. Unique

People always look for distinct and unique features for a brand no matter what year it is. Originality speaks of dedication and value, therefore; your brand must have this particular face value. Do not dilute the trust of your customers by copying in other’s logo or similar design.

When starting your own business, while you have your ideas to incorporate, always do a background check first whether those ideas already exist in the market so yours will not look like the copycat. Besides, you will also be held liable if you hastily produce designs and brand features that were already taken.

2. Timeless

You want your brand to stand the test of times back in its very first conception. Envision your company to serve its purpose for decades from now and more so make sure that it will have a lasting face value, too. Its face value must live up to any challenges you might encounter.

By face value, it includes all the visual representation of your brand down to the logo, packaging, and other advertising materials. Make sure that the elements of your design will maintain a timeless appeal since it will cost you so much to continually revamp when you could have been wiser the first time around.

3. Relevant

Besides being timeless, an essential quality that must be part of your branding is its relevance and appropriateness. Curate an appropriate representation for your market niche. It should tell a story of how it relates to the present times or for the needs of your customers.

In your planning, consider why your brand makes it qualify to compete in the market.  Not only should it compete, but it should also stand out from the rest of what is already there in the market. Learn how it could relate to the new trends and fads but not entirely lose its originality and timeliness.

In this case, also consider the elements it carries—are the images presented in your brand appropriate for a specific market, place, state? You could always strategize how you are going to introduce your brand. Your advertising materials, for instance, may not necessarily be uniformed but it should still go into the consideration of where it will be distributed.

4. Simple

There are downsides to over-experimenting with your brand and designs. It wouldn’t hurt to go for a simple design and make your way through a good brand. It is essential that the market and your customers could easily identify your company and what it stands for.

Do not force too abstract concepts in your elements of design. While it is tempting to go for a complex logo, your market positioning could backfire later on making your customers and other potentials one’s as confused. 

5. Innovative and Consistent

Central to your branding strategy is a sense of consistency and innovation. You need to be consistent with your brand personality to be successful. However, consistency also posits that you try not to be idle to change. As we previously speak of simplicity, have in mind that you could always be resourceful in other aspects of your brand.

Look for ways to make your brand unforgettable while keeping its identity at the same time. For example, expand your brand’s horizon by going digital.Drop the belief that simplicity, consistency, and the timeliness of a brand limits you to be creative and innovative. Always find an intersection at what others need, what the decade demands, and what your brand wants to fulfill.

Picture of Chaz Michaels

Chaz Michaels


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