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Welcome to the Small Business Bonfire resources page. We are thrilled to support our readers with a curated list of our best free downloads. These resources encompass a wide range of relevant and invaluable topics to your small business’s growth and success. 

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Position Agreement - ConvertKit

Business Resources

Featured Resource

Position Agreement

Simplify the hiring process with this position agreement.

Position Agreement
Position Agreement - ConvertKit

Featured Resource

SOP Outline

This is the most game-changing automation tech I’ve got.

SOP Outline
SOP Outline - ConvertKit

Marketing Resources

Featured Resource

One Page Business Plan

Don’t waste time with a 23-page business plan. Use this Instead.

One Page Business Plan
One Page Business Plan - ConvertKit

Featured Resource

Position Agreement

Forget employee contracts. This is the way of the future. 

Position Agreemnet
Position Agreement - ConvertKit

SEO Resources

Ranking Resource

E-E-A-T Checklist

E-E-A-T is more important than ever. Make sure your sites ready to rank.

One Page Business Plan
EEAT Checklist - ConvertKit

Ranking Resource

Topical Keyword Map

Simplified, organized topical keyword research. Have any questions?

Position Agreemnet
Position Agreement - ConvertKit