10 habits of people who mentally strong and resilient, according to psychology

There’s a clear distinction between being mentally tough and just acting tough.

Being mentally tough doesn’t mean you’re void of emotion. It’s not about appearing fearless or acting in an aggressive manner.

No, it’s about being resilient, staying positive, and keeping calm in the face of adversity. It’s about bouncing back from failures and disappointments.

Psychology gives us some insights into the habits of mentally strong people, those who can weather any storm that comes their way.

Let’s delve into the 10 habits of people who are truly mentally strong and resilient, according to psychology.

1) Embrace change

We all face change. It’s inevitable and a fact of life.

But the response to it is where mentally strong people differ from the rest. They recognize change as an integral part of life and an opportunity for growth.

Resisting change is like trying to swim against a rip current, you’ll just exhaust yourself. But embracing it, adapting to it, is like swimming parallel to the shore until you can escape the current’s pull.

Mentally strong people don’t just passively accept change, they actively pursue it, realizing that it is through change we evolve.

Aren’t we all a bit resistant to change? It’s human nature. But the next time you’re faced with a major shift in your life – remember this – adaptability is a hallmark of mental strength.

And as psychology tells us, those who adapt survive. And those who survive, thrive.

2) They know when to say no

This is a tough one, even for me. Saying ‘no’ can be incredibly challenging. We often fear the potential backlash, the disappointment we might cause, or the opportunities we might miss out on.

But what I’ve learned from my own experience, and from observing those with real mental strength, is that saying ‘no’ is often more empowering than saying ‘yes’.

A few years ago, I was offered a promotion at work. It came with more responsibilities, longer hours, but also a significant pay rise. Most people around me were excited for me, expecting me to take it. But something inside me held me back.

I realized that saying yes would mean less time for my family, for my health, and for the things I genuinely enjoyed outside work. So, I made the tough call. I said ‘no’.

That decision was one of the best I’ve ever made. It taught me the value of prioritizing my well-being over societal expectations or financial gains.

Mentally strong people understand this. They know when to say no and aren’t afraid to prioritize their needs. They realize that their time and energy are precious resources and use them wisely.

3) Practice gratitude

Mentally strong people don’t take things for granted. They appreciate the good in their lives and express gratitude for it.

You see, gratitude isn’t just about being thankful when things go well. It’s about finding the silver lining in every cloud, even when times are tough.

A study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found that gratitude was a major contributor to resilience following the September 11 terrorist attacks. Those who were grateful experienced lower levels of stress and depression.

Mentally strong people understand this. They cultivate a habit of gratefulness, knowing well that it fuels their resilience and fortifies their mental toughness.

4) They set healthy boundaries

Mentally strong individuals understand the importance of setting boundaries. They respect their own time, energy, and emotional capacity, and don’t let others infringe upon it.

Setting boundaries isn’t about being selfish or uncaring; it’s about self-preservation. It’s about knowing your limits and making sure others understand them too.

These individuals are clear about what they can and cannot tolerate. They communicate their needs effectively to those around them, ensuring mutual respect and understanding.

In the long run, setting healthy boundaries helps mentally strong people foster better relationships, manage stress effectively, and maintain their mental well-being.

5) They focus on what they can control

Life is full of uncertainties and things beyond our control. Mentally strong individuals understand this and instead of fretting over things they cannot change, they focus on what they can.

Whether it’s their reaction to a situation, their attitude, or their efforts, they channel their energy towards aspects they can influence.

This doesn’t mean they ignore problems or become passive. Instead, they take proactive steps to manage what’s in their control effectively, while letting go of what isn’t.

This approach helps them maintain a positive outlook, reduces unnecessary stress and ultimately fosters resilience.

6) They embrace failure as a teacher

Failure is often a tough pill to swallow. It can bruise our ego, dent our confidence, and sometimes even break our spirit. But for mentally strong individuals, failure is not a dead-end, but a detour.

These individuals understand that failure is part and parcel of the journey towards success. They see it as a valuable teacher rather than an adversary.

They take each failure to heart, not as a mark of their worth, but as an opportunity for growth and learning. They dissect their mistakes, understand what went wrong, and use these insights to better themselves.

So remember, the next time you stumble or fall, it’s not the end of the world. It’s just life’s way of teaching you something new. Embrace it with open arms and an open heart. After all, the road to success is paved with failures that have been turned into stepping stones.

7) They take care of their physical health

I’ve always been a firm believer in the connection between the mind and body. A few years back, I went through a period of intense stress and anxiety. I was working long hours, neglecting my diet, and barely getting any sleep.

The impact wasn’t just mental, it showed on my physical health as well. I felt constantly drained, fell sick often, and even developed chronic back pain.

That’s when I realized the importance of taking care of my physical health. I started eating better, exercising regularly, and ensuring I got enough sleep. The impact was almost immediate. I felt more energetic, my mood improved, and so did my mental resilience.

Mentally strong individuals understand this mind-body connection. They prioritize their physical health knowing that it directly impacts their mental strength. They eat well, exercise regularly, and ensure they get adequate rest.

So if you’re aiming for mental strength, don’t forget to take care of your body. After all, a healthy mind resides in a healthy body.

8) They embrace solitude

In a world that’s constantly buzzing, finding time for solitude might seem odd. But mentally strong people know the power of spending time alone.

Solitude isn’t about isolation or loneliness. It’s about taking time for self-reflection, introspection, and personal growth. It’s about disconnecting from the noise of the world and connecting with your thoughts and feelings.

Spending time alone allows these individuals to better understand themselves, their goals, and their desires. It helps them recharge, gain clarity, and return to their lives with a renewed sense of purpose.

So next time you find yourself with some alone time, don’t rush to fill it. Instead, embrace it. Use it as an opportunity to reflect, recharge, and rejuvenate. You might be surprised at how powerful solitude can be.

9) They cultivate a positive self-talk

We all have an internal dialogue – that voice inside our heads that narrates our lives. This self-talk can be a powerful tool in shaping our perceptions, attitudes, and actions.

Mentally strong individuals understand this and consciously work towards cultivating a positive self-talk. They challenge their negative thoughts, question their self-doubts, and replace them with constructive, affirming messages.

They don’t let their inner critic run the show. Instead, they become their own cheerleaders, encouraging and motivating themselves to keep moving forward.

This positive self-talk helps them maintain a hopeful outlook, boosts their confidence, and strengthens their mental resilience.

So remember, the way you talk to yourself matters. Make sure it’s kind, encouraging, and positive.

10) They practice mindfulness

Mindfulness, the art of staying present and fully engaged in the here and now, is a crucial habit of mentally strong individuals.

They understand that dwelling on the past or worrying about the future serves no purpose. Instead, they focus on the present moment, accepting it for what it is without judgment.

Practicing mindfulness allows them to experience life more fully, reduces stress, and enhances their emotional intelligence. It helps them stay centered in the face of life’s ups and downs, fostering a sense of inner peace and resilience.

In a fast-paced world where multitasking is the norm, mindfulness might seem challenging. But with consistent practice, it can become second nature. And trust me, your mind will thank you for it.

Final thoughts: It’s a journey

The path to mental strength and resilience isn’t a straight line, nor is it a destination to reach. It’s a continuous journey of self-development and growth.

The habits we’ve discussed aren’t just checkboxes to tick off. They are practices to incorporate into your daily life, shaping the way you think, act, and react.

They are about learning to dance in the rain, not waiting for the storm to pass. They are about embracing failure, setting boundaries, and nurturing positivity. They are about understanding that true strength isn’t about not falling, but about getting up each time you fall.

Remember, building mental strength is like building muscle strength. It takes time, effort, and consistent practice. But the rewards are worth every bit of struggle.

As psychologist Carl Rogers once said, “The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction, not a destination.” So embrace this journey of becoming mentally strong and resilient, and remember to enjoy every step along the way.

Picture of Lachlan Brown

Lachlan Brown

Lachlan Brown is a renowned expert in mindfulness, relationships, and personal development. With over a decade of experience, Lachlan has dedicated his career to exploring the intricacies of human behavior and self-improvement. For his latest articles and updates, follow him on Facebook here


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