8 things a toxic coworker will do when you call them out on their behavior

Navigating the workplace can feel like navigating a minefield, especially when you’re dealing with a toxic coworker.

You’ve put up with their antics, dodged their negativity, and tried to remain professional, but it’s reached a boiling point. You’re ready to take a stand and call them out on their behavior.

It’s not always a scene straight out of a drama TV series; sometimes it’s just a subtle realization that enough is enough.

Even when your instincts warn you to stay quiet, or your dread of confrontation holds you back, it’s time to face the music.

Here’s your guide on what to expect when you finally confront a toxic coworker about their behavior. Just remember, no matter how they react, you’re taking the first step towards a healthier work environment.

1) They’ll deflect and shift the blame

Confronting a toxic coworker is a tricky business.

If you’ve reached this point, you’re probably armed with instances of their behavior that have made your work life difficult.

But here’s the thing. When you call them out, they won’t just graciously accept it.

Instead, they might masterfully shift the blame and make it seem like you’re the one causing problems.

This isn’t because you’re in the wrong, but because they’re adept at avoiding responsibility.

They might even turn the tables and accuse you of misunderstanding them or being overly sensitive.

This is a classic tactic, and if you see it happening, don’t doubt your decision to confront them.

This is about creating a better work environment for everyone, including yourself.

2) They’ll try to belittle your concerns

When you’ve mustered the courage to address the issue, the last thing you want is for your concerns to be dismissed.

But a toxic coworker, when called out, might do just that.

I remember when I called out a former coworker for his constant interruptions in meetings.

I was prepared for a backlash, but instead, he laughed it off saying, “Oh, I’m just passionate. You should be too.”

He made it seem as if I was making a big deal out of nothing. He trivialized my concerns and made me question whether I was overreacting.

But it’s important to remember that your feelings and experiences are valid. If their behavior is negatively affecting you, then it’s a problem worth addressing.

3) They’ll resort to gaslighting

Famous author George Orwell once said, “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”

This quote rings eerily true when dealing with a toxic coworker.

When confronted, they may resort to gaslighting, a psychological manipulation tactic aimed at making you question your own reality.

For instance, they might deny incidents you clearly remember or twist facts to suit their narrative.

This is their way of maintaining control and avoiding accountability.

It’s a destructive tactic that can leave you feeling confused and doubting your own experiences.

But remember, you’re not crazy. Trust your instincts and your recollection of events.

4) They’ll play the victim

You might be surprised to learn that playing the victim is a common tactic used by toxic individuals when confronted.

There’s a simple psychological reason for this.

People tend to empathize more with the perceived victim, and it’s a great way to divert attention from their own behavior.

When you call them out on their behavior, they may start recounting tales of their own hardships, making it seem like their actions were merely reactions to the challenges they’ve faced.

While it’s important to show empathy, it’s equally crucial not to let their sob stories distract you from the issue at hand.

Their personal struggles do not excuse their toxic behavior at work.

5) They’ll rally support

Having a toxic coworker is already stressful enough. But when they start rallying others to their cause, it can feel like you’re up against an army.

They might start spreading rumors or painting you in a negative light to your other coworkers.

This isn’t just about defending their reputation, but also an attempt to isolate and discredit you.

It’s a manipulative tactic designed to intimidate you into silence, but don’t let it deter you.

Stand your ground and remember that truth has a way of coming out eventually, no matter how many people are rallied against it.

6) They’ll up the ante

Here’s something you should brace yourself for. When you call out a toxic coworker, they might not back down – they might escalate.

This isn’t because your accusations are unfounded. Rather, it’s their attempt to regain control of the situation.

They might become more aggressive in their behavior or even start targeting you with more intensity.

It’s like poking a bear – they’re bound to react, and not always in the way you’d hope.

It’s important not to let this escalation intimidate you.

Stay strong, keep documenting their behavior and remember that you’re standing up for yourself and what’s right.

7) They’ll try to bury the issue

After the initial backlash and possible escalation, your toxic coworker might try a different tactic.

They might suddenly become overly friendly, offering to help you with work or inviting you for lunch.

It’s as if they’re trying to bury the issue under a mountain of fake niceties.

But don’t be fooled by this sudden change of heart. It’s just another attempt to avoid accountability and make you forget about their toxic behavior.

This is not true change or repentance – it’s a smokescreen. Stay vigilant and don’t let their apparent ‘friendliness’ distract you from the underlying issue.

8) They’ll resist change

The most important thing to remember when calling out a toxic coworker is this: they will resist change.

Change is hard for everyone, but for a toxic individual, it can feel like an attack on their very identity.

They might stubbornly stick to their ways, refusing to acknowledge their behavior as problematic.

This resistance might be frustrating, especially after you’ve gathered the courage to confront them. But it’s important not to lose heart.

Change takes time, and standing up against toxic behavior is the first step towards a healthier work environment.

Even if your coworker doesn’t change immediately, you’ve planted a seed that might eventually lead to much-needed transformation.

Final thoughts

Dealing with toxic coworkers is a challenge, but confronting them is a crucial step in reclaiming your peace and productivity at work.

The reactions you face when calling them out might be disheartening, but it’s essential to remember – their responses are a reflection of them, not you.

It’s all about setting boundaries and standing up for yourself. It’s about asserting your right to a healthier, happier work environment.

This journey isn’t going to be easy, and it won’t happen overnight. But each small act of courage, each moment of standing up for yourself, is a victory in itself.

You deserve respect and fairness at your workplace.

So when faced with toxicity, don’t shy away from confronting it.

And as Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”

Stand your ground, believe in your worth, and don’t let anyone disrupt your peace.

You’re stronger than you think. With patience and persistence, you can navigate even the most challenging workplace scenarios.

Because at the end of the day, your wellbeing matters more than anything else.

Picture of Ava Sinclair

Ava Sinclair

Ava Sinclair is a former competitive athlete who transitioned into the world of wellness and mindfulness. Her journey through the highs and lows of competitive sports has given her a unique perspective on resilience and mental toughness. Ava’s writing reflects her belief in the power of small, daily habits to create lasting change.


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