If you really want to turn your life around, start by saying goodbye to these 7 morning habits

For quite a while, I was stuck in a rut.

You know the feeling:

  • Constant exhaustion
  • Lack of motivation
  • Procrastination
  • Unhealthy lifestyle

And the inability to break free from the same old daily routine.

My worst phase was a few years back. I was stuck in a cycle of unproductive habits.

Hi, I’m Lachlan Brown, the founder of Hack Spirit and a passionate psychology enthusiast.

Back then, I was just your average guy, stuck in a tiresome 9-to-5 job, battling poor health and low self-esteem.

I woke up every day feeling sluggish and dreading what the day might bring. My life felt like it was on repeat, and I was far from content.

The game changer? Well, it was realizing that the first step to turning my life around involved saying goodbye to my toxic morning habits.

In this article, I’ll share with you these 7 morning habits that were holding me back.

Hopefully, by shedding light on these, you too can kickstart a positive change in your life.

Let’s dive in.

1) Hitting the snooze button

This was the first toxic morning habit I had to kick to the curb.

We’ve all been there – the alarm goes off, and it feels like you’ve only just closed your eyes. It’s tempting to hit that snooze button and snatch a few more minutes of sleep.

But here’s the thing: those few extra minutes are doing you more harm than good. They interrupt your body’s natural waking process and leave you feeling groggy and disoriented for the rest of the day.

When I realized this, I made a conscious effort to get up as soon as my alarm went off. No snoozing, no lying in bed scrolling through social media, just straight out of bed.

It was hard at first, but after a while, it became second nature. And you know what? I started my days feeling more energized and alert.

If you’re serious about turning your life around, start by saying goodbye to the snooze button. It might be tough initially, but trust me, it’s worth it.

2) Skipping breakfast

I can’t tell you how many times I used to rush out of the house without eating a proper breakfast. I convinced myself that I didn’t have the time, or I wasn’t hungry, or that coffee was enough.

But breakfast is called the most important meal of the day for a reason. When you skip it, you’re setting yourself up for a day of low energy and poor concentration.

Famous psychologist Joyce Brothers once said, “Success is a state of mind. If you want success, start thinking of yourself as a success.”

This quote resonated with me deeply. I realized that my morning routine was not reflecting the successful person I wanted to become.

So, I started making time for a nutritious breakfast every morning. Whether it was a bowl of oatmeal or a smoothie packed with fruits and veggies, I made sure to fuel my body properly.

The difference was astonishing. I felt more focused and productive throughout the day, and my mood improved significantly.

If ever you’re in the habit of skipping breakfast, try making this small change. It could have a bigger impact on your day than you think.

3) Neglecting physical activity

I know this might sound surprising, but I used to start my day glued to my laptop. No morning walk, no stretching, no physical activity whatsoever.

I thought that diving straight into work was the best way to maximize productivity. But all it did was leave me feeling drained and lethargic by midday.

Then, I decided to switch things up. I started with just 10 minutes of light exercise in the morning – some basic stretches, a few push-ups, nothing too strenuous.

And boy, did I see a difference! Not only did I feel more energized physically, but my mental clarity improved as well. I was able to focus better on my tasks and felt more positive overall.

Physical activity is a great way to kickstart your metabolism and wake up your body.

Consider incorporating a brief workout into your morning routine. Trust me, your body and mind will thank you for it.

4) Ignoring positive affirmations

I was skeptical about the power of positive affirmations at first. I mean, could repeating positive phrases to myself really have an impact on my day?

But then I stumbled upon a study conducted by the University of Michigan which found that self-affirmations can boost our problem-solving abilities under stress. This was a game-changer for me.

I decided to give it a try. Every morning, after my workout and before breakfast, I would take a few moments to repeat some affirmations to myself.

“Today will be a great day”, “I am capable and strong”, “I can handle whatever comes my way” – these are just a few examples.

And you know what? My days did start to feel better. I felt more confident in handling my tasks and challenges, and overall, I felt more positive and motivated.

If you’re not already doing this, start incorporating positive affirmations into your morning routine.

It’s a small change that can have a big impact on your mindset for the rest of the day.

5) Not planning your day

I used to jump straight into my day without a clear plan. I thought being spontaneous was the key to an exciting life. But in reality, it just left me feeling unorganized and overwhelmed.

When I started taking a few minutes each morning to plan my day, things began to change.

I mapped out my tasks, set priorities, and even scheduled breaks.

This simple act of planning gave me a sense of control and helped me stay focused throughout the day.

It reduced my stress levels and improved my productivity significantly.

If you’re in the habit of starting your day without a plan, try taking a few minutes each morning to map out your tasks.

You might be surprised at how much more efficient and organized your day becomes.

6) Overloading on caffeine

Coffee was my go-to morning drink. I believed that the more caffeine I consumed, the more alert and productive I would be. I couldn’t have been more wrong.

Overloading on caffeine led to energy crashes, restlessness, and heightened anxiety.

When I decided to cut back, it was a struggle at first, but the benefits were undeniable.

I replaced my multiple cups of coffee with one in the morning and lots of water throughout the day. My energy levels became more stable, and my overall mood improved.

Famous psychologist Albert Ellis once said, “The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own. You do not blame them on your mother, the ecology, or the president. You realize that you control your own destiny.”

This quote helped me realize that my reliance on caffeine was a problem of my own making and that I had the power to change it.

If you’re like old me and consume excessive amounts of caffeine, try cutting back. Your body will thank you for it.

7) Jumping into work immediately

Now, this may sound counterintuitive. After all, isn’t diving into work first thing in the morning the best way to be productive?

Well, not exactly.

I used to be the person who would start checking emails and responding to messages as soon as I woke up. I thought it was making me more efficient, but it was actually causing me more stress.

Taking the time to ease into your day can actually make you more productive in the long run.

So, I began setting aside the first hour of my day just for me.

Whether it was reading a book, writing in my journal, or simply enjoying a quiet breakfast, this ‘me time’ helped me start my day on a positive note.

If you’re used to jumping straight into work, try this for a change: Dedicate the first hour of your day to something you love that’s not work-related.

It could be anything from meditating to painting.

This small shift can make a big difference in your overall mood and productivity for the rest of the day.


Turning your life around doesn’t have to be a monumental task. It can start with something as simple as changing your morning habits.

Remember, it’s the small, daily changes that add up to significant transformations.

Don’t underestimate the power of a positive morning routine.

So, evaluate your current morning habits. Are they serving you well? If not, it’s time to say goodbye to them.

Start with one change at a time. Be consistent, and soon enough, you’ll start noticing the positive impacts on your life.

After all, every great day starts with a great morning. Make yours count.

Picture of Lachlan Brown

Lachlan Brown

Lachlan Brown is a renowned expert in mindfulness, relationships, and personal development. With over a decade of experience, Lachlan has dedicated his career to exploring the intricacies of human behavior and self-improvement. For his latest articles and updates, follow him on Facebook here


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