7 signs you’re holding yourself back from living a full life without realizing it

Everyone has dreams and aspirations, but often, we can be our own biggest obstacles. It’s subtle – you might not even realize you’re doing it.

It’s like driving with the handbrake on. You’re making progress, but something’s holding you back.

And that something is you.

This is about identifying the signs that you’re standing in your own way. Because sometimes, we need a little nudge to realize we’re not living our life to the fullest.

Here are seven signs you might be holding yourself back from living a full life and not even know it.

1) You’re playing it safe

Life is full of risks and opportunities. But if you’re always choosing the safe route, you might be holding yourself back from truly living.

Sometimes, we choose safety because it’s comfortable. We know the outcomes, and it feels secure. But by doing so, we often miss out on new experiences and opportunities that could enrich our lives.

It’s like always choosing the same meal at a restaurant because you know you like it. Sure, it’s a good meal, but what about all the other delicious dishes you could be trying?

Playing it safe is easy. It’s comfortable. But life begins outside of our comfort zones.

So if you find yourself always choosing the path of least resistance, it might be a sign that you’re holding yourself back from a fuller existence.

2) You’re not chasing your dreams

I remember a time in my life when I had a dream of writing a book, but I was filled with self-doubt. I thought I wasn’t good enough, that nobody would be interested in what I had to say. The dream seemed too big, too daunting, too out of reach.

So, I put it on the back burner. I told myself it was unrealistic and focused on more “practical” things.

But the truth is, that dream never left me. It was always there, nagging at me from the back of my mind. And by ignoring it, I was holding myself back from living a full life.

Ignoring your dreams because they seem too big or unachievable is a clear sign that you’re holding yourself back. Whether it’s writing a book, running a marathon, or starting your own business, don’t let fear and self-doubt rob you of your potential.

3) You’re stuck in the past

Our brains are wired to remember negative experiences more vividly than positive ones. This is known as negativity bias, and it’s a survival mechanism that served our ancestors well. But in our modern lives, it can often lead to us holding onto past failures or regrets, preventing us from moving forward and living fully.

If you frequently dwell on past mistakes or what could have been, it’s a sign that you’re holding yourself back. Remember, we can’t change the past, but we can learn from it and make better choices for our future.

4) You’re always busy

Being busy isn’t necessarily a bad thing. But if you’re constantly on the go, with no time to rest, reflect, or enjoy the moment, you might be holding yourself back from a fuller life.

We live in a society that often equates busyness with productivity and success. But the truth is, that constantly being busy can lead to burnout and make it harder for us to connect with ourselves and others.

If your to-do list never seems to end and you feel like you’re always running from one task to another, it might be time to take a step back and ask yourself if you’re truly living or just surviving.

5) You’re avoiding discomfort

I used to avoid public speaking like the plague. The thought of standing in front of a crowd, all eyes on me, was enough to make my stomach churn. It was uncomfortable, nerve-wracking, and something I just didn’t want to confront.

But then I realized that by avoiding this discomfort, I was limiting my potential. I was missing out on opportunities to grow, learn, and develop my skills. So I decided to face my fear head-on.

Facing discomfort is not easy, but it’s necessary for growth. If you’re constantly avoiding things because they make you uncomfortable, it’s a sign that you’re holding yourself back from living a full life. Embrace the discomfort, and see it as an opportunity for growth.

6) You’re not setting or pursuing goals

Goals are like a roadmap for our lives. They give us direction and purpose, and they keep us motivated. But if you’re not setting or actively pursuing any goals, you might be holding yourself back from living a full life.

Without goals, we can easily drift through life, reacting to whatever comes our way instead of proactively creating the life we want.

So take a moment to reflect on your goals. Are there any? Are they clear? Are you actively working towards them? If not, it might be a sign that you’re holding yourself back.

7) You’re not prioritizing self-care

Self-care is not a luxury, it’s a necessity. It’s about taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional health. And if you’re not making it a priority, you’re essentially holding yourself back from living a full life.

Ignoring self-care can lead to burnout, stress, and a host of other health issues. It also prevents us from being the best we can be and fully enjoying our lives.

Make self-care a priority. It’s not selfish – it’s essential for living a full and healthy life.

Takeaway: It’s all about perspective

The complexities of our lives are often the result of our perspectives and the narratives we tell ourselves.

One such narrative is the belief that we’re not enough, that our dreams are too big, or our mistakes are too grave. This narrative can subtly keep us in a state of stagnation, holding us back from truly embracing and living a full life.

It’s like driving through life with an invisible handbrake on, unaware that we’re the ones who’ve engaged it.

Recognizing these signs is the first step towards releasing this handbrake. It’s about shifting our perspective, embracing discomfort, and permitting ourselves to chase our dreams.

Remember, life isn’t just about surviving; it’s about thriving. It’s about creating, learning, growing, and contributing. So, if you find yourself resonating with any of these signs, maybe it’s time to ask – are you just surviving or truly living?

Picture of Lucas Graham

Lucas Graham

Lucas Graham, based in Auckland, writes about the psychology behind everyday decisions and life choices. His perspective is grounded in the belief that understanding oneself is the key to better decision-making. Lucas’s articles are a mix of personal anecdotes and observations, offering readers relatable and down-to-earth advice.


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