People who are truly at peace with how they look often display these 8 unique behaviors

When someone is genuinely content with how they look, their behavior reflects it. They’re not trying to prove anything to anyone – they’re simply comfortable in their own skin.

These individuals exhibit certain unique behaviors that set them apart. And interestingly, recognizing these behaviors can help us on our own journey towards self-acceptance.


Let’s delve into the eight unique behaviors often displayed by people who are truly at peace with how they look.

1) Unfazed by trends

In a world driven by constant change and the latest trends, people who are genuinely at peace with their appearance remain unfazed.

While fashion and beauty trends come and go, these individuals don’t feel the need to conform or keep up. They understand their own style and stick to it, regardless of what the ‘in thing’ might be at any given time.

This isn’t to say they never experiment or try new things. But they do so out of genuine interest, not from a place of feeling pressured or left out.

Their choices are not dictated by what’s popular or trending, but by what makes them feel good about themselves. It’s a clear sign of being comfortable in one’s own skin, and it’s a behavior that speaks volumes about their self-acceptance.

It’s not about disregarding trends entirely but about not letting them dictate your self-perception. And that’s exactly what people who are truly at peace with how they look do.

2) Not seeking validation

I remember when I used to obsess over the number of likes my pictures would get on social media. I’d constantly check my phone, waiting for that validation to pour in, and if it didn’t, I’d question my worth.

However, over time, I realized this constant need for external validation was draining me. It was exhausting trying to live up to everyone’s expectations and quite frankly, it was impossible.

When I finally let go of this unhealthy habit, I noticed a significant change. I started posting pictures because I liked them, not because I thought they would get lots of likes.

And guess what? My happiness and self-esteem skyrocketed.

People who are truly at peace with their appearance don’t seek validation from others. They don’t need someone else’s approval to feel good about themselves because their self-worth comes from within.

Their happiness is not dependent on others’ perceptions or opinions.

They understand that true contentment and self-love cannot be found in the number of likes or comments they get on a post but in how they feel about themselves. And that’s a truly liberating feeling.

3) They don’t compare themselves to others

Studies show that people who compare themselves to others experience envy, low self-confidence, and depression more often.

People who are at peace with their appearance understand this trap and consciously avoid it.

They realize that everyone is unique, each with their own set of strengths, weaknesses, and physical attributes.

Instead of wasting energy comparing themselves to others, they focus on appreciating and improving their own qualities. They understand that everyone is on a different journey, and comparing only hinders personal growth and self-acceptance.

This behavior not only makes them more content with their appearance but also contributes significantly to their overall emotional well-being.

4) They practice self-love

People who are truly at peace with their appearance have a strong practice of self-love. They understand that their bodies are not just about looks, but also about function and capability.

They appreciate what their bodies can do, whether it’s running a mile, dancing, or simply carrying them through the day.

They know their worth is not defined by their physical appearance but by who they are as individuals.

They care for their bodies by eating healthy, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep not because they want to look a certain way, but because they love and respect their bodies.

This kindness towards themselves extends to their mental health as well. They practice mindfulness, take mental health breaks when needed, and are gentle with themselves when they make mistakes.

In essence, they treat themselves with the same love and respect they would show to others. This self-love is a powerful tool in maintaining peace with one’s appearance.

5) They use positive self-talk

It’s heartbreaking to think of how cruel we can sometimes be to ourselves.

The negative self-talk, the harsh judgments, the constant nit-picking at our perceived flaws – it can be relentless.

People who are at peace with their appearance, however, have learned to drown out this harmful chatter and replace it with positive affirmations.

They understand that they are their own greatest cheerleaders and that they have the power to change the narrative.

They remind themselves daily of their worth, their beauty, and their strength. They acknowledge their imperfections but see them as unique characteristics that make them who they are, rather than flaws.

They speak to themselves with kindness and love, and this compassionate self-talk reflects in their confidence and acceptance of their appearance.

It’s a beautiful process to witness, and an even more beautiful one to practice.

6) They embrace change

Once, I found myself in tears in a dressing room because the clothes I used to fit into no longer fit. I was harsh on myself, blaming my changing body rather than accepting that bodies naturally evolve, and sometimes, clothes don’t.

People who are at peace with their appearance understand and embrace this evolution. They recognize that bodies change due to age, health, lifestyle, and a myriad of other factors.

Instead of fighting this inevitable change, they embrace it. They adapt their style to suit their evolving body and find joy in discovering new ways to express themselves through their appearance.

This acceptance of change is not only about the physical aspect but extends to their personal growth. They understand that as they grow and evolve as individuals, so does their style and self-perception.

Embracing change is a sign of self-acceptance and peace with one’s appearance. It shows resilience and an ability to flow with life’s changes rather than resisting them.

7) They celebrate diversity

People who are truly at peace with how they look understand and appreciate the beauty of diversity. They see the world as a palette of different shapes, sizes, colors, and features, and they celebrate it.

They don’t subscribe to narrow beauty standards or ideals.

Instead, they see beauty in variety and uniqueness. They understand that what makes us different also makes us beautiful.

This appreciation of diversity extends to their own appearance. They celebrate their unique features and see them as an integral part of their identity.

Their acceptance of diversity not only contributes to their peace with their own appearance but also fosters a healthier and more inclusive attitude towards beauty in general.

8) They radiate confidence

The most striking behavior of people who are at peace with their appearance is the confidence they radiate. It’s not an arrogance or a boastful display, but a quiet, unshakeable belief in themselves.

This confidence is not tied to their physical appearance alone but rooted in their acceptance of who they are as individuals. They know their worth and don’t let external factors shake it.

Their confidence is contagious and inspiring. It encourages those around them to also embrace their unique beauty and be at peace with their appearance.

Picture of Tina Fey

Tina Fey

I've ridden the rails, gone off track and lost my train of thought. I'm writing to try and find it again. Hope you enjoy the journey with me.


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