Navigating through life with a narcissist can be tricky. They often have a knack for evading responsibility and shifting blame onto others.
The difference between a narcissist and someone who just has a strong personality lies in accountability. A narcissist will do anything to avoid taking responsibility for their actions.
They’re masters of redirecting blame, making you question your own sanity. And they do this so subtly, you might not even notice it’s happening.
In this article, we’re going to delve into the 7 sneaky things a narcissist does to dodge responsibility and shift blame. And trust me, being aware of these maneuvers can be a game-changer in your interactions with them.
1) They play the victim
Living or working with a narcissist can feel like walking on eggshells, and that’s partly because they’re so skilled at playing the victim.
When confronted with their wrongdoings, rather than accepting responsibility, a narcissist will often turn the tables. They’ll portray themselves as the misunderstood party, the one who’s being unjustly accused or attacked.
This tactic is a classic method to evade accountability. By shifting focus from their actions to their perceived suffering, they manage to divert the conversation and subtly shift blame onto you.
It’s a cunning strategy that leaves you feeling guilty for something they did. And it’s one of the main reasons why dealing with a narcissist can be so challenging and draining.
2) They gaslight you
Gaslighting is a manipulative tactic narcissists often use to make you question your reality. It’s a subtle, yet dangerous form of mental manipulation that can be hard to spot if you’re not aware of it.
Personal example? I’ve been there. I remember having a disagreement with a narcissistic friend. When I confronted him about his hurtful behavior, he immediately denied it, saying it never happened. He even went as far as to accuse me of making things up and being overly sensitive.
This was gaslighting in action. It was his way of evading accountability for his actions and shifting blame onto me. Over time, I started doubting my own memories and feelings, which is exactly what the narcissist wants.
Recognizing gaslighting when it’s happening is crucial to maintaining your mental clarity and self-confidence. It’s important to trust your instincts and stand firm in your perceptions, especially when dealing with a narcissist.
3) They use projection
Projection is a psychological defense mechanism, and it’s a narcissist’s favorite tool to evade accountability. It involves the narcissist attributing their own negative traits or behaviors to someone else. In essence, they’re accusing you of the very things they’re guilty of.
Did you know that Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, was the one who first introduced the concept of projection? He believed that we often project our own undesirable feelings onto others as a way to avoid facing them in ourselves.
This is exactly what narcissists do. They project their own failings onto others to divert blame and attention away from themselves. Understanding this tactic can help you identify when a narcissist is using projection and take steps to protect yourself.
4) They deflect and change the subject
Narcissists are experts at shifting the conversation away from their own shortcomings. When confronted with a mistake they’ve made or a problem they’ve caused, they’ll often deflect the conversation to something entirely unrelated.
Let’s say you bring up an issue you have with their behavior. Instead of addressing it, a narcissist might start talking about a completely different problem they have with you. Suddenly, you find yourself on the defensive, and the original issue is left unresolved.
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This deflection is a clever way for them to evade accountability and shift blame onto others. Being aware of this tactic can help you steer the conversation back to the original issue and hold them accountable for their actions.
5) They twist your words
Narcissists have a knack for twisting your words in a way that suits their narrative. They’ll take what you say and distort it, often to the point where it’s unrecognizable from your original meaning.
I remember a time when I tried to express my feelings to a narcissistic partner about something they did that hurt me. Instead of acknowledging my feelings, they spun my words around, making it seem as if I was the one causing problems in our relationship.
Suddenly, I was the one apologizing for ‘misunderstanding’ their actions. This is a classic move narcissists use to evade accountability and shift blame onto others. It’s crucial to stay grounded in such situations and remember that your feelings are valid.
6) They use guilt trips
Guilt-tripping is a common tactic narcissists use to evade accountability. They’ll make you feel guilty for holding them accountable, painting you as the bad guy for bringing up their mistakes or wrongdoings.
For example, they might say something like, “I can’t believe you’re blaming me when I’m already going through so much.” This manipulative tactic is designed to make you feel bad for them and forget about their responsibility for the issue at hand.
Being aware of this tactic can help you stand your ground and continue to hold them accountable, regardless of the guilt trip they try to send you on.
7) They deny flat out
The most blatant tactic narcissists use to evade accountability is outright denial. They’ll simply refuse to acknowledge their mistakes or wrongdoings, even when confronted with clear evidence.
They may say things like, “That never happened,” or “You’re making things up.” This absolute refusal to accept responsibility can be incredibly frustrating and emotionally exhausting to deal with.
Remember, it’s not your job to make a narcissist see their faults. Your mental well-being is far more important. Stand your ground, trust your reality, and don’t let their denials make you question your truth.
Final thoughts: Self-protection is paramount
Dealing with a narcissist can be incredibly challenging, especially when they’re skilled at subtly shifting blame and evading accountability.
The tactics we’ve discussed – playing the victim, gaslighting, projection, deflection, word-twisting, guilt-tripping, and flat-out denial – are all part of the narcissist’s repertoire.
But remember this: these tactics are not about you; they’re about the narcissist’s inability to face their own shortcomings.
Recognizing these tactics can be a powerful tool in protecting yourself from their manipulations. It’s essential to trust your perceptions and stand firm in your truth.
As renowned psychologist Dr. Ramani Durvasula often asserts, understanding narcissism is the first step to surviving it and ultimately thriving beyond it.
So yes, dealing with a narcissist is tough. But you have the strength and the tools to navigate these turbulent waters. Your well-being matters, and you deserve respect and honesty in all your relationships. Stand strong in that truth.