7 signs your long-term partner lacks empathy for you, says psychology

There’s a world of difference between understanding someone and truly empathizing with them.

Understanding is about comprehension, while empathy is about shared feeling – it’s feeling with someone, not just for them. In a long-term relationship, the presence of empathy can be a game-changer.

But what if your partner seems to lack that vital quality? What if you’re not receiving that emotional connection you crave?

Well, according to psychology, there are telltale signs that may indicate a lack of empathy in your partner.

Buckle up as we dive into these seven signs your long-term partner might be missing the empathy chip. This isn’t just about pointing fingers, but about understanding each other better – because sometimes what we think is lack of empathy might just be a different way of expressing it.

And sometimes, it’s not. Let’s explore this together.

1) They rarely mirror your emotions

In any relationship, emotional mirroring is a big deal. It’s that moment when you’re upset, and your partner is visibly upset too, simply because you’re hurting.

This is empathy in action – they’re feeling with you, not just for you. It’s an emotional resonance that forms the basis of a deep connection.

But what happens when this mirroring is missing? When you’re upset, and your partner seems unaffected, or worse, annoyed?

Psychology tells us that this might be a sign of a lack of empathy. It’s not about them necessarily sharing your exact feelings, but about them connecting with your emotional state in some way.

If your partner is consistently failing to mirror your emotions, it might indicate that they’re not empathizing with you as they should be. Remember, it’s about shared feeling. So keep an eye out for this one.

2) They’re great at solving problems – but not so great at feeling them

Now, this may seem counterintuitive. After all, a partner who’s great at problem-solving sounds like a dream, right? But here’s the catch: while they may ace at ‘fixing’ things, they might not be so great at ‘feeling’ them.

When you share your problems, do they rush to offer solutions but fail to acknowledge your feelings? Do they seem more focused on ‘resolving the issue’ rather than understanding how it’s affecting you?

While it’s beneficial to have a problem-solver around, empathy requires more than that. It requires an emotional connection, a sense of shared feeling – something a ‘fixer’ might miss out on.

So if your partner often jumps straight to problem-solving mode, bypassing the emotional aspect, it might be another sign they lack empathy. It’s not just about sorting out the issue; it’s about understanding how it makes you feel.

Always remember that.

3) They don’t validate your feelings

Picture this: You’ve had a tough day at work and you’re venting to your partner. Instead of acknowledging your feelings, they dismiss them, saying you’re overreacting or it’s not a big deal. Sound familiar?

This lack of validation can be a clear sign your partner lacks empathy. Recognizing and validating someone’s feelings is a fundamental part of empathizing with them. If they’re quick to invalidate how you feel, it could mean they’re struggling to grasp the depth of your emotions.

In my book Breaking The Attachment: How To Overcome Codependency in Your Relationship, I talk about the importance of feeling heard and validated in a relationship. If this is something you’re missing, it’s worth looking into.

Keep an eye out for how your partner responds when you share your feelings. Empathy isn’t just about understanding, but also about validating emotions.

4) They struggle to apologize sincerely

Apologies are crucial in any relationship, but what happens when your partner’s apologies feel hollow or insincere? When they apologize out of obligation, not because they truly feel regret?

This could be another sign of lacking empathy. Empathy requires an understanding of the impact one’s actions have on others. If your partner can’t genuinely apologize, it might mean they don’t fully grasp how their actions hurt you.

A wise woman once said, “An apology without change is just manipulation.”

This was none other than Oprah Winfrey, and her words ring true. A sincere apology goes hand in hand with change, showing that not only do they understand they’ve hurt you, but they also don’t want to repeat it.

Now if the apologies feel more like empty words than heartfelt regret, it might be time to question the level of empathy in your relationship.

5) They don’t show interest in your experiences

Think about it, when you share your day or a personal experience, does your partner seem genuinely interested? Or do they quickly change the subject or appear disinterested?

Empathy involves showing interest in and understanding someone else’s experiences. If your partner often seems uninterested in your experiences, it could be an indication of a lack of empathy.

Back when I first started my journey as a relationship expert, I realized that one of the most rewarding parts of love is having someone who genuinely cares about your experiences. It’s not just about being there physically, but also emotionally.

Genuine interest can be a clear sign of empathy. Conversely, disinterest might mean they’re not emotionally connecting with you as they should be.

6) They struggle with perspective-taking

Perspective-taking is the ability to see a situation from someone else’s viewpoint. It’s a cornerstone of empathy and crucial in any relationship. But what if your partner struggles with this?

If they always see things from their viewpoint and fail to consider yours, it could be a sign of lacking empathy. As Harper Lee famously said in To Kill a Mockingbird, “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view.”

From my own experiences, I can vouch for the importance of perspective-taking in maintaining harmony in relationships. It’s not just about agreeing with the other person, but about understanding where they’re coming from.

To stay updated with the latest insights into love and connections, do consider following me on Facebook. You’ll get all my latest articles right there in your feed.

So if your partner struggles to see things from your perspective, it might be time to take a closer look at their empathy levels.

7) They lack emotional responsiveness

Let’s be raw and honest here. Emotional responsiveness is the lifeblood of any deep, fulfilling relationship. It’s about responding to your partner’s emotional needs and providing comfort, understanding, and support.

If your partner lacks emotional responsiveness – if they often seem indifferent or aloof to your feelings – it could signify a lack of empathy. Empathy is all about connecting on an emotional level, about feeling with someone, not just for them.

And if your partner often seems emotionally distant or unresponsive, it might be a sign they’re not empathizing as they should be. It’s a tough realization to come to, but an essential one.

Because everyone deserves to feel truly seen, heard, and understood in their relationship.

Wrapping it up

Understanding the nuances of empathy within a relationship can be quite the journey. It’s a delicate dance between shared feelings, emotional responsiveness, and mutual understanding.

If you’ve noticed any or all of these signs in your partner, it’s essential to remember that recognizing the problem is the first step towards a solution.

No one is perfect, and every relationship has its challenges. But by identifying these signs, you’re already on the path to better understanding and hopefully, improvement.

Before we part ways, I’d like to share something that I believe will help us delve deeper into this journey.

This video by Justin Brown explores the complexities of finding a life partner and the importance of shared values, growth, and mutual support in a relationship. It’s an insightful watch that I believe complements our discussion perfectly.

YouTube video

Empathy isn’t just about feeling for someone; it’s about feeling with them. It’s about sharing their journey, emotions, highs, and lows. It’s what deepens our connections and makes our relationships truly fulfilling.

Keep exploring, keep questioning, keep connecting. Because at the end of the day, our relationships are our greatest teachers.

They reflect us back to ourselves and give us an opportunity to grow and evolve in ways we never imagined.

Picture of Tina Fey

Tina Fey

I've ridden the rails, gone off track and lost my train of thought. I'm writing to try and find it again. Hope you enjoy the journey with me.


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