9 things you should always keep private, according to psychology

There are some secrets you should always keep, according to psychology.

Psychology tells us that there are certain things we should always keep to ourselves for our own wellbeing. It’s not about being secretive, but rather respecting our personal boundaries.

Keeping certain things private allows us to maintain our mental health and build strong relationships.

In this article, I’ll shed light on 9 things that you should always keep private.

Let’s get started.

1) Personal goals and aspirations

Believe it or not, psychology recommends keeping your life goals and aspirations to yourself.

When you share your goals with others, it can actually make you less likely to achieve them. It’s because the act of sharing gives us a sense of accomplishment, as if we’ve already reached the finish line.

It might seem counterintuitive. We often think that sharing our goals will help us stay accountable. But in reality, it can sometimes lead to complacency.

So, the next time you set a goal, keep it to yourself. Work towards it privately and let your actions speak louder than your words.

It’s not about being secretive, it’s about focusing on the journey rather than the announcement. And who knows? You may just find that you’re more motivated and successful when you keep your goals private.

2) Personal conflicts

Let me tell you a story from my own life. A few years ago, I had a falling out with a close friend. It was a tough time and emotions were running high. Instead of keeping it private, I made the mistake of sharing the details with mutual friends.

I thought it would help me feel better, but in reality, it only complicated things. Rumors started to spread, sides were taken, and the original issue became convoluted. What should have been a private matter between two friends turned into a group problem.

Psychology suggests that sharing personal conflicts can lead to unnecessary drama and misunderstandings. It can also damage relationships, as I learned the hard way.

When you’re dealing with a personal conflict, consider keeping it private. Try dealing with it directly with the involved person or seek advice from a professional if needed. Trust me, it makes things much easier in the long run.

3) Financial status

Have you ever wondered why high profile billionaires like Warren Buffet or Mark Zuckerberg are often seen in modest clothing? There’s more to it than meets the eye. It’s not just about their personal preference, but also about maintaining discretion about their wealth.

Sharing your financial status, whether it’s how much you earn, what you own, or how much you’ve saved, can lead to unnecessary comparisons and potential animosity. It can also attract unwanted attention or pressure from others.

In psychology, there’s a term for this – Relative Deprivation. It refers to the dissatisfaction people feel when they compare their positions to others and realize that they have less than their peers.

By keeping your financial status private, you can avoid these negative repercussions and maintain healthy relationships. After all, your worth is not determined by the size of your bank account.

4) Medical history

Your health is a personal matter, and it’s often best to keep it that way. Disclosing your medical history can sometimes lead to unwanted judgement, stigma, or even discrimination.

While it’s important to share necessary information with healthcare professionals and those directly involved in your care, it’s not generally necessary to share it with everyone you know.

Remember, your health is your business. You have the right to keep it private if you choose to. And if you do decide to share, make sure it’s with people you trust and who genuinely care about your wellbeing.

5) Love life details

Ah, love. It’s beautiful, complicated, and incredibly personal. Details about your love life — from who you’re dating to the ins and outs of your relationships — are something that should stay private.

Sharing intimate details about your romantic relationships can lead to gossip, judgment, and even unwanted advice. Plus, it’s important to respect the privacy of your partner as well.

Instead of spilling the beans about your love life, consider keeping these details between you and your partner. It can strengthen your bond and trust, and also prevent any unnecessary drama or misunderstanding. After all, a good relationship is about two people, not the entire world.

6) Acts of kindness

There’s an undeniable beauty in acts of kindness, particularly those that are done quietly, without expectation of praise or recognition.

Psychology tells us that the true reward of kindness lies in the act itself, not in the recognition from others. When we give, we feel good. It’s a phenomenon called the “helper’s high,” a burst of endorphin-induced euphoria we feel after doing a good deed.

Sharing your acts of kindness can sometimes dilute this feeling, turning an altruistic act into a bid for validation. It can also make others feel uncomfortable or obligated to reciprocate.

So, the next time you do a good deed, consider keeping it to yourself. The warm feeling you get from helping others is reward enough. There’s something truly special about an act of kindness known only to you and the person you’ve helped.

7) Past mistakes

We all have chapters in our lives we’d rather not read aloud. For me, there was a time when I made a major mistake at work. I was new, eager to impress, and in my haste, I ended up causing a significant problem.

This mistake haunted me for a long time. I would replay the scenario over and over, thinking about what I could have done differently. But with time, I realized that it was a learning experience. It helped me grow professionally and personally.

Sharing your past mistakes with everyone can sometimes lead to unnecessary judgement or criticism. It’s important to remember that everyone makes mistakes, and they’re a part of our growth.

You don’t need to broadcast your past mistakes to the world. Instead, learn from them and move forward. It’s okay to keep some chapters of your life private. After all, your past does not define you; it’s what you do now that counts.

8) Family issues

Every family has its fair share of issues and complications. These matters are deeply personal and often best kept within the family circle.

Discussing family issues openly can lead to misunderstandings, misinterpretations, or unnecessary advice from others. It can also breach the trust of your family members, potentially causing more harm than good.

It’s important to navigate these issues with sensitivity and discretion. Respecting their privacy is a sign of respect and love towards your loved ones.

9) Self-care routines

Your self-care routine is your own personal sanctuary. It’s a space where you can disconnect from the world and reconnect with yourself. Whether it’s a skincare routine, a meditation practice, or a walk in the park, these routines are personal and unique to you.

Sharing these routines can sometimes lead to comparison or judgment. It could also create an unnecessary pressure to conform to others’ ideas of what self-care should look like.

Keep your self-care routines to yourself. Let it be your secret haven, where you can be completely you, without any external influence or judgment. It’s your personal journey of self-love and appreciation.


Picture of Lachlan Brown

Lachlan Brown

Lachlan Brown is a renowned expert in mindfulness, relationships, and personal development. With over a decade of experience, Lachlan has dedicated his career to exploring the intricacies of human behavior and self-improvement. For his latest articles and updates, follow him on Facebook here


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