8 phrases a narcissist will use to belittle you and make you feel small

Navigating the tricky waters of human interaction can be a real challenge. Sometimes you might encounter people who, instead of lifting you up, belittle you and make you feel small.

Often, these individuals possess narcissistic traits. They use certain phrases designed to undermine your self-esteem and keep you in a state of constant self-doubt.

I’m Tina Fey, founder of the Love Connection blog and a relationship expert. I’ve spent years studying and understanding various personality types. Today, I’m going to share with you 8 phrases a narcissist will use to belittle you and make you feel small.

These phrases are subtle yet powerful tools that can affect your self-worth. But armed with knowledge, you can stand your ground and protect your wellbeing.

Let’s dive in.

1) You’re too sensitive

Navigating the world of narcissistic behavior can feel like walking through a minefield. One commonly used phrase by narcissists is accusing their victims of being overly sensitive.

This is a classic manipulation technique known as gaslighting. By telling you that you’re overreacting or being too emotional, the narcissist aims to make you second-guess your feelings and reactions. This puts them in a position of power and control.

It’s important to remember that your emotions and reactions are valid. If a situation or comment makes you uncomfortable, it’s okay to express that. Don’t let anyone make you feel otherwise.

Gaslighting can be subtle and can take many forms. But recognizing it is the first step to countering its effects and protecting your mental health.

No one has the right to belittle your feelings or experiences. Stand firm in your truth, even when confronted with this manipulative tactic.

2) I was just joking

Another phrase that narcissists often use to belittle you is to say, “I was just joking” after making a hurtful comment. This is their way of passing off unkind remarks as harmless teasing.

In my professional experience, this is a covert method of undermining your self-esteem, often leaving you feeling confused and hurt. It’s a way for them to dismiss your feelings and further establish their dominance.

Even the wisest of us can fall prey to such tactics. As the esteemed author Maya Angelou once said, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”

If someone consistently hurts your feelings and then brushes it off as a joke, it might be time to reconsider your relationship with that person. Always remember, a joke is only funny when all parties involved find it amusing.

3) No one else thinks that way

Narcissists have a knack for making you feel like you’re the odd one out. They often use phrases like “No one else thinks that way” to undermine your opinions and beliefs. It’s a way for them to isolate you and make you question your perspective.

I’ve personally seen clients struggle with this tactic. It’s heartbreaking to see them doubt their own thoughts and feelings because of a narcissist’s manipulation.

In my book, Breaking The Attachment: How To Overcome Codependency in Your Relationship, I explore these manipulative dynamics and provide practical advice on how to handle them.

Remember, your thoughts and feelings are valid. Don’t let anyone make you feel otherwise. And if you’re struggling with this, I encourage you to check out my book for more in-depth advice and strategies.

4) You’re lucky to have me

Here’s a counterintuitive one: “You’re lucky to have me”. On the surface, this might seem like a compliment, but in reality, it’s a narcissist’s way of belittling you.

The underlying message here is that you are somehow less valuable or desirable and should feel grateful for their presence in your life. It’s a subtle way to erode your self-esteem and keep you feeling indebted to them.

Counterintuitively, this isn’t a sign of your inadequacy, but rather a reflection of the narcissist’s need to feel superior and in control. Don’t let this false narrative define your self-worth. You are valuable just as you are, and don’t need anyone else to validate that.

5) I don’t remember that

As a relationship expert, one phrase I often hear from clients dealing with narcissists is “I don’t remember that”. This is another form of gaslighting, where the narcissist denies or distorts past events to create doubt in your mind.

I remember a client who was constantly made to feel like she was misremembering things. The truth is, this wasn’t about her memory at all, but a manipulative tactic used by her partner to keep her off balance.

When you’re told your recollection of events is wrong repeatedly, you might start to question your own memory. But trust in yourself and your perceptions. Your experiences are real and valid.

6) You’re overreacting

A raw, honest phrase that narcissists often use is “You’re overreacting”. This is a powerful form of belittlement that invalidates your feelings and makes you question your reactions.

It’s a harsh reality, but this phrase is designed to make you feel like your emotions are too much, too intense, or simply wrong. It’s a way for the narcissist to dismiss your feelings and maintain control.

But let me tell you this: your feelings are valid. Your reactions are valid. If something hurts you, it hurts. Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise. Stand firm in your truth and don’t let such phrases shake your self-belief.

7) It’s all in your head

Here’s another common phrase narcissists use: “It’s all in your head”. They employ this to dismiss your feelings, make you doubt yourself, and maintain the upper hand.

I recall a client who was constantly told that her concerns were imaginary, causing her to question her own sanity. It was a painful experience to witness.

This wise quote from Eleanor Roosevelt: “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” So, don’t let anyone convince you that your feelings or experiences are insignificant or imaginary. You know your truth, and it’s important to hold onto it.

8) You’ll never find anyone better

Perhaps one of the most brutally honest phrases narcissists use is: “You’ll never find anyone better”. This is a manipulative attempt to make you feel worthless and dependent on them.

It’s a harsh, bitter phrase designed to keep you trapped in a toxic relationship, constantly doubting your worth and fearing the prospect of being alone.

I want to tell you this: It’s not true. You are deserving of love, respect, and kindness. Don’t let anyone convince you that you’re not worth it. You are more than enough, just as you are.

Final Thoughts

Navigating relationships with narcissists can be challenging and emotionally draining. But recognizing these belittling phrases is the first step to reclaiming your power and self-esteem.

Remember, you’re not alone in this struggle. It’s okay to seek help and establish boundaries. Your feelings and experiences are valid, and you deserve respect and kindness.

For more insights on handling narcissistic behavior and overcoming codependency, I invite you to check out my book, Breaking The Attachment: How To Overcome Codependency in Your Relationship. Here, I delve deeper into these dynamics and provide effective strategies to help you navigate such relationships.

You are worthy of love and respect. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Picture of Tina Fey

Tina Fey

I've ridden the rails, gone off track and lost my train of thought. I'm writing to try and find it again. Hope you enjoy the journey with me.


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