10 subtle behaviors that show your future spouse isn’t as committed as you think

There’s a stark contrast between being in a committed relationship and being in one where your partner isn’t as invested as you are.

This difference hinges on subtle signs. An uncommitted partner often exhibits behaviors that hint at their lack of dedication, all while pretending everything’s fine.

Recognizing these signs, on the other hand, puts you in a position where you can decide what’s best for you, even while confronting a difficult truth.

Identifying these signals is about understanding that your future spouse may not be as committed as you think. And wise individuals understand that there are certain behaviors that can reveal this without stirring up a drama.

Here are some behaviors to look out for to help you understand if your future spouse is truly committed or not.

1) Avoiding future plans

Commitment in a relationship often involves planning for the future.

And those who are truly committed aren’t afraid to discuss it.

Often, you’ll find that someone who’s not as invested will shy away from conversations about future plans. It’s as if they’re trying to keep their options open, all while maintaining the illusion of being involved in the relationship.

Welcome to the concept of avoidance behavior.

Avoidance behavior is a psychological term that refers to patterns of behavior which are used to avoid facing certain situations. In this context, it means avoiding discussions about the future.

Think about it. It’s the equivalent of someone avoiding eye contact when lying, or a person changing the subject when asked about their intentions.

When your partner consistently avoids discussing future plans, it’s a sign they might not be as committed as you are. They’re avoiding the mental load of dealing with a reality they might not be ready for.

So if you notice this subtle behavior in your partner, it might be time to have a conversation about commitment.

2) Lack of interest in family and friends

In my own relationships, I’ve observed how important it is to take an interest in each other’s loved ones.

And those who are truly committed make an effort to do so.

I once dated someone who never seemed interested in getting to know my family or friends. She always made excuses when invited to gatherings, or she would show up but barely interact with anyone else.

This was a clear sign of her lack of commitment.

If you think about it, showing interest in your partner’s loved ones is a way of embracing their world. It’s a sign that you’re planning to be part of their life in the long term.

3) Always choosing convenience

When it comes to commitment, convenience shouldn’t be the driving factor in your relationship.

Those who are truly committed aren’t driven by what’s easiest or most comfortable for them.

In a study published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, it was found that people who are highly committed to their partners make sacrifices for them without considering the cost to themselves – this is called “unconditional willingness to sacrifice”.

If you notice your future spouse consistently choosing what’s most convenient or comfortable for them, regardless of your needs or feelings, this could be a subtle sign of their lack of commitment.

Being in a committed relationship means putting your partner’s needs on par with your own, sometimes even above. If your other half is always leaning towards what’s easy and convenient, it might be time to question their level of commitment to you and the relationship.

4) Lack of emotional intimacy

Emotional intimacy is a cornerstone of a committed relationship.

Those who are fully committed aren’t afraid to share their deepest thoughts and feelings.

If your future spouse consistently holds back from sharing their emotions, or seems disinterested in hearing about your emotional experiences, this may be a subtle sign of their lack of commitment.

Emotional intimacy involves vulnerability and trust. If your partner is always guarded or indifferent, it might indicate they’re not ready to fully commit to you or the relationship.

Remember, a healthy relationship requires emotional connection. If you’re feeling emotionally distant from your future spouse, it might be worth addressing this issue head-on.

5) Frequent indecisiveness

Decisiveness can be a key indicator of commitment in a relationship.

Those who are truly committed are able to make decisions that impact both partners, showing that they’re thinking about the relationship as a team.

If your future spouse often struggles to make decisions or leaves all the decision-making to you, this could be a subtle sign of their lack of commitment.

Their indecisiveness might imply that they’re not fully invested in the relationship or they’re avoiding taking responsibility.

Remember, a committed partner is an active participant in the relationship. If your future spouse seems passive or indecisive, it might signal a deeper issue around commitment.

6) Absence during difficult times

Life is unpredictable, and we all face trying times.

In a committed relationship, your partner should be your rock during such moments.

If your future spouse isn’t there for you when the going gets tough, it’s a subtle sign they may not be as committed as you think.

Being there for one another during hard times is a testament to the strength of a relationship. It requires empathy, sacrifice, and unconditional love – all hallmarks of commitment.

If your partner is absent or unresponsive during difficult periods in your life, it might indicate a lack of commitment on their part.

7) Lack of effort in resolving conflicts

Conflict is inevitable in any relationship, it’s how you handle it that matters.

In my past relationships, I’ve noticed that those who are truly committed put in the effort to resolve conflicts, not just sweep them under the rug.

I had a partner who would always avoid arguments, never wanting to discuss or resolve our issues. Over time, this created a rift between us as unresolved issues piled up.

If your future spouse avoids conflicts or makes little effort to resolve them, this could be a subtle sign of their lack of commitment.

Addressing conflicts requires courage and commitment. If your partner shies away from this, it might indicate they’re not fully dedicated to the growth and progress of your relationship.

8) Overly agreeable behavior

In a relationship, agreeing on everything might seem like a dream scenario. But in reality, it could be a subtle sign of lack of commitment.

Those who are truly committed aren’t afraid to voice their opinion, even if it differs from their partner’s.

If your future spouse seems to agree with you on every single thing, it could mean they’re avoiding conflict or they’re not fully invested in the relationship to put their personal thoughts on the line.

Even though it might feel nice to always be on the same page, a committed relationship requires open communication and healthy disagreements.

So, if your future spouse seems overly agreeable, it might be time to question their level of commitment to you and the relationship. After all, a healthy relationship thrives on individuality as much as unity.

9) Lack of initiative

In a committed relationship, both partners should equally take the lead.

Those who are truly committed demonstrate initiative, showing their dedication and interest in the relationship.

If your future spouse rarely takes the initiative, whether it’s in making plans or expressing feelings, this could be a subtle sign of their lack of commitment.

Taking initiative shows that a person is invested and willing to put effort into the relationship. If your partner is often passive or waits for you to make the first move, it might indicate they’re not as committed as you think.

10) Inconsistent communication

The most significant sign of commitment in a relationship is consistent communication.

Those who are truly committed maintain regular, open, and honest communication with their partners.

If your future spouse’s communication is inconsistent or non-existent at times, this could be the most subtle yet telling sign of their lack of commitment.

Communication is the lifeblood of a relationship. If your partner isn’t consistent in their communication with you, it might indicate they’re not as invested in the relationship as you are.

Final thoughts: It’s about understanding

The complexities of human behavior and emotions often stem from our need for understanding and empathy.

One such understanding is the relationship between commitment and subtle behaviors in a romantic relationship.

These behaviors, often overlooked, play an essential role in determining the level of commitment of a future spouse.

Picture of Tina Fey

Tina Fey

I've ridden the rails, gone off track and lost my train of thought. I'm writing to try and find it again. Hope you enjoy the journey with me.


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