10 little things to start doing now if you want to be ahead of everyone else in 10 years

There’s a big gap between dreaming about success and actually achieving it.

The key lies in the small, everyday tasks we often overlook.

Believe it or not, the minor things you start doing now can put you light years ahead of your peers in the next decade.

In this article, I’ll share with you 10 simple yet effective habits to start right now if you want to be ahead of everyone else in 10 years.

Let’s dive in and make your future self proud.

1) Start with the end in mind

Having a long-term vision is critical if you want to be ahead of the game in 10 years.

This isn’t about predicting the future, but rather about knowing where you want to be and what you want to achieve.

It’s about setting goals for yourself, both big and small, and then reverse-engineering those goals into actionable steps that you can start taking today.

And here’s the kicker: it’s not just about work or career goals. It could be anything from learning a new language, mastering a musical instrument, or even running a marathon.

The point is to have a clear vision, so you know what you’re working towards. It’s this target that will guide your actions and decisions.

By starting with the end in mind, you’ll be able to focus your efforts more effectively and avoid getting sidetracked by temporary distractions.

Every big achievement starts with a small step. So make sure each step you take is leading you in the right direction.

2) Never stop learning

A personal mantra of mine is: “Never stop learning.”

I’ve found that the most successful people are those who continually learn, grow and evolve. They’re not afraid to admit they don’t know everything and are always looking for opportunities to expand their knowledge.

Let me share a personal experience. About five years ago, I decided to learn coding. Not because I wanted to become a software engineer, but because I realized that having a basic understanding of coding could open up new opportunities in my career.

So, I enrolled in an online course and dedicated a few hours every week to learn. It wasn’t easy – in fact, it was downright challenging at times. But the skills I acquired have been invaluable. I’ve been able to implement automation in my work, understand tech jargon, and even build my own website.

Now, I’m not suggesting everyone should learn coding. The point is, no matter what field you’re in, there’s always something new to learn. And with the wealth of resources available online today, there’s no excuse not to.

Make a commitment to lifelong learning – it’s an investment that will pay dividends in your future success.

3) Embrace failure as part of the process

Failure isn’t the end of the road, it’s a stepping stone to success. It provides valuable lessons that can help you grow and improve.

Consider this: J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series, was rejected by 12 publishers before her manuscript was finally accepted. Today, she’s one of the most successful authors in the world.

Just imagine if she had given up after the first few rejections. We wouldn’t have had the chance to be enchanted by the magical world of Hogwarts.

Don’t be afraid to fail. Instead, see failure as an opportunity to learn and improve. Each failure brings you one step closer to success. Remember, it’s not about how many times you fall, but how many times you get back up.

4) Cultivate a positive mindset

The way you think strongly influences the way you act. Adopting a positive mindset can help you face challenges with optimism and resilience, rather than fear and doubt.

A positive mindset doesn’t mean ignoring life’s problems. Instead, it’s about approaching these difficulties with the belief that you can overcome them.

This belief can change your perspective, inspire creativity, and motivate you to persevere in the face of adversity. It can help you see opportunities where others only see obstacles.

Start focusing on the good in every situation, celebrate your wins (no matter how small), and believe in your ability to succeed. Cultivating a positive mindset is a game-changer that can set you apart from everyone else.

5) Prioritize your health

Your health is your wealth. Without good health, all the success in the world means nothing.

This includes both physical and mental health. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, enough sleep – these are all key components of maintaining physical well-being.

And let’s not forget mental health. Practices like meditation, mindfulness, and yoga can help manage stress and keep your mind sharp.

So, make it a priority to take care of your health. Start small – even a short daily walk or a few minutes of meditation can make a significant difference.

You’re in this for the long haul. And maintaining good health is essential if you want to stay ahead of the game in the next 10 years.

6) Cherish your relationships

Success isn’t just measured by professional achievements, but also by the richness of your relationships.

The connections you cultivate with family, friends, and colleagues can provide a strong support system, offer different perspectives, and even open doors to new opportunities.

But more than that, these relationships add a depth of joy, love and fulfillment to life that success alone cannot offer.

So, take the time to nurture these relationships. Be there for your loved ones in their moments of need and celebrate their victories with them.

At the end of the day, it’s the people in our lives who truly matter. So cherish them.

7) Practice gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful tool that has transformed my perspective on life.

There was a time when I found myself constantly chasing after what I didn’t have, which left me feeling perpetually unsatisfied. It was only when I started a daily gratitude practice that I realized how much I already had to be thankful for.

Each evening, I write down three things from the day that I’m grateful for. They can be as grand as achieving a major milestone or as simple as a delicious meal.

This practice has helped me focus on the abundance in my life, instead of the lack, and it’s made me happier and more content.

I believe that practicing gratitude can help you too. It invites positivity into your life and makes you appreciate the journey, not just the destination. So why not give it a try?

8) Learn to say no

Saying ‘yes’ to everything might seem like the path to success, but it’s not. In fact, it can lead to burnout and prevent you from focusing on your priorities.

The truth is, we all have limited time and energy. By constantly agreeing to do things that don’t align with our goals, we end up spreading ourselves too thin and diverting our attention from what truly matters.

So, learn to say ‘no’. It might be difficult at first, especially if you’re a natural people-pleaser. But remember, each time you say ‘no’ to something that doesn’t serve your purpose, you’re saying ‘yes’ to something that does.

Learning this skill will allow you to devote your time and energy to the things that truly matter and move you closer to your goals.

9) Embrace change

Change is inevitable. The world is constantly evolving and so should we.

Instead of resisting change, learn to embrace it. Yes, it can be scary and uncomfortable, but it’s also an opportunity for growth and expansion.

Think about it. Every new technology, every shift in the market, every societal transformation presents a chance to learn, adapt, and get ahead of the curve.

Stay open-minded, be flexible, and welcome change with open arms. After all, the only constant in life is change itself. Embracing it is key to staying ahead of everyone else in the long run.

10) Be persistent

The road to success is filled with obstacles and setbacks. But the key to staying ahead isn’t avoiding these challenges, but persisting through them.

Persistence is what separates those who achieve their goals from those who don’t. It’s the ability to keep going, even when things get tough.

Keep pushing forward, no matter what. Remember, it’s not about how fast you go, but how far you’re willing to go. Stay determined, stay focused, and most importantly, stay persistent. Because in the end, persistence pays off.

Final thoughts: It’s all about the journey

At the core of all these actions lies a fundamental truth: success is a journey, not a destination.

It’s about the habits we form, the decisions we make, and the resilience we build along the way. Each small step we take today lays the foundation for who we will become in 10 years.

Consider this quote by Lao Tzu, an ancient Chinese philosopher, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” It beautifully encapsulates the essence of our topic.

Each habit or action might seem small on its own, but collectively, they can lead to significant changes in our lives. And that’s what it’s all about.

So as you reflect on these 10 little things to start doing now, remember that every step matters. Each one is a step towards a better version of yourself, towards being ahead of everyone else in 10 years.

The journey might be long and challenging, but it’s also rewarding. So embrace it, learn from it, and most importantly, enjoy it.

Picture of Lachlan Brown

Lachlan Brown

Lachlan Brown is a renowned expert in mindfulness, relationships, and personal development. With over a decade of experience, Lachlan has dedicated his career to exploring the intricacies of human behavior and self-improvement. For his latest articles and updates, follow him on Facebook here


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